The Dept. of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Forestry and Wildlife (DOFAW) seeks a nursery to produce native plant species specifically for ecological restoration in the Waiʻanae Mountains. The project requires plants to be produced from seed from specific provenances. The seed stock will be provided along with germination and propagation protocols if required by the vendor. However, the provenance of each seed stock must be tracked throughout the production process, and the origin of all plants must be documented. This contract could include the production of both herbaceous and woody (trees and shrubs) plants. All woody and herbaceous plants should be produced in a container and to a size conducive for safe transport via helicopter to field sites. In addition, all plants must meet phytosanitation criteria outlined below. DOFAW is requesting a price per species, with a minimum order of 800 Acacia koa, 800 Dianella sandwicensis, and 800 Carex wahuensis to be ready for outplanting. The Army will pick up the plants; delivery by vendor is not required. The vendor must contact the Army to schedule pick-up at least 2 calendar weeks in advance. Pick-up must occur before Dec. 15, 2025. Purchasing for this project will be conducted by DOFAW, but technical support and oversight of deliverables will be conducted by the Army Natural Resources Program on Oʻahu (ANRPO). The Army will provide seeds to the nursery no later than 30 calendar days after the contract is awarded. The Army will contact the nursery directly to coordinate hand-over of stock.