The Town of Winchester, CT is seeking proposals for the rehabilitation or replacement of our (4) influent raw water pumps and associated check valves. The objective is to restore the pumping capacity to 100% of design specifications (peak flow rates of 7 MGD). The successful proposer shall note that the motors and controls are likely to be replaced through a utility sponsored energy efficiency program. Coordination with this program may be mutually beneficial. (2) Replace existing 8” Chicago VOSC-10, (1) 4” Yeomans VOSC-8, (1) 3” Yeomans OMC-6 pumps. All pumps are 30 years old and perform at about 65%. Provide new (2) Unitedflo OSC10-4BHT, (1) Unitedflo OS6-4BHT, (1) Unitedflo OMC6-3C along with complete pump, motor and base assemblies. All (4) check valves, (3) 12” and (1) 6”, to be replaced while pumps are removed from service. New Pumps to be dimensionally interchangeable with existing Chicago pumps, to be installed without any modifications to the existing piping. Dry Pit Submersible Pumps will not be accepted. Specify the proper pumps/impellers/volutes & check valves to fit into existing piping in existing locations and to connect to existing motor drives. Supply and install, start up and test to demonstrate performance. Supply specs, operating/maintenance manuals and warrantee materials.