A. The Contractor is to provide full service, in-house collection of recyclable paper, which can consist of white ledger, color ledger, or office pack, newspaper, old, corrugated cardboard, mixed paper, mixed metal, mixed plastics, and paper not disposed of in confidential destruct from the EDD offices listed in Attachment B-1, Office Location List and Cost Breakdown. B. The Contractor’s employees performing in-house collection shall walk throughout the above-referenced buildings to collect materials from each floor, as well as, emptying dock side bins. C. The Contractor shall provide dockside collection of recyclable paper, which can consist of white ledger, color, ledger, or office pack, newspaper, old, corrugated cardboard, mixed paper, mixed metal, mixed plastics, and paper not disposed of in confidential destruct the EDD offices listed in Attachment B-1, Office Location List and Cost Breakdown.