A. All new wiring, to be installed in conjunction with this modernization, shall comply with all regulations and codes itemized in the Connecticut and National Electrical Codes and carry approval of Underwriters Laboratory. This wiring shall be enclosed in rigid standard weight or thin-wall conduit with steel splice boxes or metal wiring troughs, except that flexible conduit may be used in short runs, between terminals not exceeding 24 inches. Flexible conduit shall not be used where subject to moisture or embedded in concrete. B. Run all wire between terminal blocks including spares and shielded cable. Check for continuity and ground. Ensure that connectors or terminal strips used maintain the proper grounding continuity and minimize signal deterioration. Make no splices. Use color codes in multi-conductor cable. Identify all connections at terminal blocks with waterproof labels. Provide legible waterproof lists of color codes and identities for all field wiring. Make entries in a bound consecutively numbered journal and attach to each controller.