The scope of services may include, but are not limited to: 1) Provide multi-modes of mentoring (one-to-one, group, peer, and cross generational), as appropriate for each youth. 2) Assessments for matching adult mentor and mentees. 3) Assessments for matching youth/peer mentor and mentees. 4) Mentor training. 5) Assessments for goal setting and planning. 6) Collaboration and coordination with Wraparound services and other organizations (public and private) that provide services to youth. 7) Assess youth progress and communicate the progress to collaterals. 8) Provide mentees social emotional support that provide opportunities to build trusting and healthy relationships. 9) Provide life skill teaching opportunities and model appropriate pro-social behaviors. 10) Provide advocacy services that support youth’s academic goals, job training and career planning, and substance abuse and mental health treatments...