TASK 1: PROJECT MANAGEMENT/ MEETINGS Attend and provide updates and technical support at monthly watershed meetings or more often as needed, but not to exceed 36 times a year for both the San Luis Rey and San Diego WMAs. Provide data, presentations, and other information upon request. TASK 2: FIELD WORK Detailed work plans outlining specific field monitoring activities in the WMAs where the County of San Diego has been named the “Principal Copermittee” were developed and submitted in the Monitoring and Assessment Plans that were part of the WQIPs accepted by the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) https://www.waterboards.ca.gov/sandiego/water_issues/programs/stormwater/wqip.html. Details of each field activity are listed in further detail below. TASK 2.1: RECEIVING WATER MONITORING • During dry weather conditions, conduct receiving water monitoring at up to 10 long term monitoring stations during at least one, and no more than two, years over the anticipated 5-year contract period from 2025 through 2030. The dry weather receiving water monitoring will include the following: o Over at least three sampling events, collection of flow-weighted composite samples at each of the long-term receiving water monitoring stations and analysis for various chemical constituents including but not limited to nutrients and conventionals, metals, pesticides, and other 303d listed constituents. Visual field observations and measurements of pH, temperature, specific conductivity, dissolved oxygen concentration and turbidity will also be conducted at the time of sampling. Grab samples will also need to be collected and analyzed for fecal indicator bacteria. Refer to Provision D.1.c.(1), D.1.c.(2), and D.1.c.(3) of the MS4 Permit for specific minimum requirements. o Over at least three sampling events, conduct aquatic toxicity testing including Toxicity Identification Evaluations (TIEs) / Toxicity Reduction Evaluations (TREs) if required as outlined in Provision D.1.c.(4) of the MS4 Permit. o Over at least one sampling event, conduct bioassessment monitoring according to the most current SWAMP Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) (http://www.waterboards.ca.gov/water_issues/programs/swamp/tools.shtml#methods). Bioassessment sampling shall, at a minimum, include the following: Benthic macroinvertebrate sampling and Index of Biological Integrity (IBI) determination (Provisions D.1.c.(5)(a)(i) and D.1.c.(5)(b)(i) of the MS4 Permit) Physical habitat characterization (Provision D.1.c.(5)(a)(ii) of the MS4 Permit) Freshwater algae sampling and analysisincluding algal taxonomic composition and IBI calculations when a calculation method is developed (Provisions D.1.c.(5)(a)(iii) and D.1.c.(5)(b)(ii) of the MS4 Permit) o Over at least one sampling event, hydromodification monitoring including measurements of channel conditions, location of discharge points, habitat integrity, photo documentation, measurements/ estimates of existing channel bed or bank eroded areas, and determination of potential causes of the erosion. (Provision D.1.c.(6) of the MS4 Permit) • During wet weather conditions, conduct receiving water monitoring at up to 10 long term monitoring stations during one, and up to two, years over the anticipated 5-year contract period from 2025 through 2030. The wet weather receiving water monitoring will include the following: o Over at least three storm events, collection of flow-weighted composite samples at each of the long-term receiving water monitoring stations and analysis for various chemical constituents including but not limited to nutrients and conventionals, metals, pesticides, and other 303d listed constituents. Visual field observations and measurements of pH, temperature, specific conductivity, dissolved oxygen concentration and turbidity will also be conducted at the time of sampling. Grab samples will also need to be collected and analyzed for fecal indicator bacteria. Refer to Provisions D.1.d.(1), D.1.d.(2), and D.1.d.(3) of the MS4 Permit for specific minimum requirements. o Over at least three storm events, conduct wet weather chronic aquatic toxicity testing including Toxicity Identification Evaluations (TIEs) / Toxicity Reduction Evaluations (TREs) if required as outlined in Provision D.1.d.(4) of the MS4 Permit.