1. Leadership commitment and goal setting that includes a goal timeline for eliminating roadway fatalities and serious injuries. 2. Planning structure through a committee, task force, implementation group, or similar body charged with oversight of the Action Plan development, implementation, and monitoring. 3. Safety analysis of the existing conditions and historical trends that provide a baseline level of crashes involving fatalities and serious injuries across the City. 4. Engagement and collaboration with the public and relevant stakeholders, including the private sector and community groups, that allows for both community representation and feedback. 5. Equity considerations developed through a plan using inclusive and representative processes, data, and other analyses. 6. Policy and process changes that assess the current policies, plans, guidelines, and/or standards to identify opportunities to improve how processes prioritize transportation safety. 7. Strategy and project selections that identify a comprehensive set of projects and strategies, shaped by data, the best available evidence, noteworthy practices, and stakeholder input and equity considerations, will address the safety problems described in the Action Plan. 8. Progress and transparency methods that measure progress over time after an Action Plan is developed or updated, including outcome data. 9. Projects identified for implementation of the Safety Action Plan.