1. Identification of Non-Compliant Facilities. a. Coordinate with the City’s Wastewater Management (hereinafter “WWM”) and ICM Department to inventory the facilities and associated facility data required. WWM will need to be provided an inventory plan to assure access and that the necessary traffic control is provided by the City to inspect facilities. b. Identify and locate any unknown or not-GIS identified UICs in the field. Coordinate with ICM and WWM on findings. c. Evaluate of UIC regulations and UIC compliance. Identify any unknown problem or possible unknown contamination sources. Chapter 5 of the 2024 Stormwater Management Manual for Eastern Washington (hereinafter “SWMMEW”) will provide the basis and standards for this work. d. Produce a total UIC inventory of the 1 Year Wellhead Protection zone area with identified compliant and non-compliant UICs. 2. Geotechnical Field Work. a. The selected Firm will contract with a geotechnical engineering Firm to perform soil analysis. Geotechnical engineering Firm will: i. Review previously created geotechnical bores and/or associated reports within the area to minimize unnecessary rework. ii. Perform soil borings at selected locations to characterize soils in the project area and define limiting layers to infiltration. iii. Provide recommendations for life cycle infiltration capacity and stormwater management. Reference Tables 5.3 and 5.5 within the 2024 SWMMEW. iv. Complete geotechnical report as part of overall study. 3. Solutions and Concepts to Improve or Replace Poorly Functioning Facilities. a. Propose solutions and perform alternative analysis for proposed solutions that meet local and State requirements including potential regional solutions. This work will likely require some level of hydraulic modeling to size facilities to provide treatment prior to infiltration into UICs. Proposed alternatives must consider maintenance considerations and requirements and address maintenance concerns as provided by WWM. b. Work in collaboration with City Staff to develop alternatives. c. Provide cost effective estimates for proposed solutions that consider life cycle costs and maintenance. d. Provide a recommendation for a selected alternative predesign solution(s). e. Provide recommendations for the priority areas of the selected alternative solution(s) based on but not limited to risk of contamination, depth to SVRP, failure of the UIC, efficiencies of replacement, cost to replace, ease of replacement or ease of maintenance. 4. Any other field or verification as deemed necessary by the City, for the completion of this study. 5. Summary Report. a. Coordinate with the City on results and recommendations. b. Provide a final report detailing but not limited to the tasks completed, field results, alternative analysis, cost estimates, maintenance requirements, selected alternative(s) and any additional conclusions.