Purpose: To compare the performance, costs, and impacts of synthetic and natural turf athletic fields, including their suitability for different age group uses, environmental impacts, and the implications of keeping a synthetic field for five (5) years before conversion to natural grass. Scope: Includes conversion of fields analysis, playability, maintenance costs, injury rates, health hazards, conversion cost, environmental impact, age appropriateness, and additional considerations. The study may include but is not limited to the following elements. Phase 1- Project Kickoff (Proposed timeline February 2025) - The Community Services Department and CONSULTANT will officially launch the project and begin planning major project activities. This phase will include the following activities: Project Launch Meeting. The launch meeting with staff from the Community Services Department and the CONSULTANT serves to kick off the project and confirm a shared understanding of the project goals, roles and responsibilities, timeline, activities, commitments, and deliverables as well as to plan for future project activities. In this meeting staff from the Community Services Department will work with the CONSULTANT to identify background documentation for review and key stakeholders to interview...