Task 1 – Develop Canvassing and Sampling Plan A. Meet with water system personnel and DWGPD staff. B. Create outreach material templates (letters, postcards, e-mails, door hangers, etc.). C. Develop customer canvassing and water quality sampling plan including customer canvassing strategies, customer canvassing schedule, analysis of system infrastructure, system treatment operations, lead service line threshold, and sampling schedule. Task 2 – Canvass for Customer Participation A. Conduct canvassing door-to-door. B. Conduct canvassing via U.S. mail. C. Conduct canvassing via customers’ e-mail. D. Coordinate site visits for visual inspections of customer-owned portion of service line and sampling and/or sequential sample collection. Task 3 – Conduct Visual Inspection of Customer-owned Portion of Service Line Visually inspect customer-owned portion of service line where the pipe enters the building. Task 4 – Sequential Sampling A. Observe premise plumbing. Develop building-specific sequential sampling package. B. Provide materials & instructions for, collect, transport, and analyze sequential samples. Task 5 – Report Findings A. Provide the State and water system with a report detailing by customer service address: canvassing attempts, inspections, observations, and sample results. B. Revise water system’s service line inventory (SLI) with visual inspection and sampling results. C. Submit revised SLI on behalf of the water system via ANR Online. D. Respond to SLI submission comments and revise SLI if necessary.