Design Engineering: a) Meet with Department of Public Works officials and others as necessary to establish design criteria and other project requirements. It is anticipated that information from the DPW, Westport Parks and Recreation, and public utility representatives will be provided to the engineer either by correspondence or preliminary design meetings with those organizations in attendance. b) Review existing design documents and area surveys. c) Field Survey – In 2016 the Town commissioned a comprehensive A-2/T-2 survey of the entire property at 60 Compo Beach Road, which is the Compo Beach property. The survey is based on a horizontal datum of CT NAD 83, and a vertical datum of NAVD88. The consultant will be provided with this survey in AutoCAD format. The consultant should verify the information shown on the survey and enhance with any information or additional survey points needed. A copy of the sheet that includes the seawall is attached to this RFP. d) Prepare a preliminary structure type study showing possible options for rehabilitation or replacement, including pros and cons for each option. Meet with Town officials to present the options and obtain a design directive as to which option to advance.