1) Provide all pesticides designated by CDFA for foliar and soil applications. 2) Be responsible for mixing and loading the pesticides and all necessary application equipment. 3) Properly decontaminate and dispose of excess materials and clean equipment every day. 4) Have on standby or locally source spray equipment parts and tools necessary for timely repair and replacement of broken equipment throughout the day. 5) Provide support services to include, but not limited to, writing application recommendations, calibration fill sheets, Notice of Intent (NOI) forms, and Pesticide Use Reports (PUR). 6) Provide all supplies and materials (unless provided by CDFA) necessary to apply foliar and soil treatments using ground-based foliar application equipment and appropriate soil application equipment. The resultant pesticide application must ensure proper pesticide coverage to the host plant(s). 7) Provide specialized equipment, backpack sprayers, such as digital flow meter spray guns, mechanical person lifts, and specialized tree spray guns that may be needed to treat extremely tall host plants (more than 60 feet). 8) Secure a water source for refilling large spray tanks in the field throughout the day. 9) Be prepared to conduct/divert traffic breaks and/or portable lighting to perform treatment activities during non-standard times when necessary.