The selected bidder shall be responsible for the following: 1. Project Planning and Design Review 1. Develop an understanding of Lanesville Fire Station. Conduct a detailed review of available plans. Perform additional investigations including field investigations as may be required to determine existing conditions. All inspections and existing conditions must be photo documented for review by the Building Committee and the Building Inspector. 2. Conduct regularly scheduled job meetings with a respresentative of the Building Committee and Town staff and maintain written records of the meetings. The contractor is responsible to distribute minutes of the meetings.. 3. Attend Municipal Building Committee meetings. 2. Construction Documents (60%, draft final, and final) 1. Prepare Plans. (Note that at each stage the plans must be approved prior to continuation to the next design stage) 2. Prepare Specifications a. Supplementary General Conditions if any b. Special Conditions and Technical Specifications 3. Perform Utility Coordination 4. Finalize Materials Board 3. Construction Assistance 1. Inspect and Document Construction and Materials Testing 2. Perform Contractor Assistance (RFIs, PS&E Interpretation, Change Orders, etc.) 3. Conduct Project Meetings 4. Prepare Record Drawings 5. Certify Change Orders and Requests for Payment 6. Conduct Project Close-out (minimum pre-final and final inspections) 7. File Building Department permits (including required photo-documentation) 8. Document CHRO files and submissions, if required 9. ADA Compliance