3.1.1 Will provide two uniformed, unarmed security officers to provide patrol services in and around the building including the parking lots located at 1501 S Highline Ave, Sioux Falls, SD. The office space provides services to the general public so the officer will be in uniform, well-groomed, welcoming, and friendly to staff and visitors to meet individual and family safety expectations, yet able to confront people when there is a problem. The expectation is that one officer will be in the lobbies, moving around the building and patrolling outdoor areas the majority of the time. The other officer will be managing security office duties including monitoring cameras and assisting the other officer as needed. 3.1.2 Days/Hours of Service – Monday thru Friday, 7:00am to 6:00pm with one unpaid 1-hour break per day alternating. This may be adjusted to meet office needs or with prior notice to the onsite coordinator. 3.1.3 The State may request after hours on-call Security as needed. 3.1.4 The officers must be capable of handling incidents in a legal and professional manner. Abide by all ordinances and laws pertaining to operations, secure all required licenses/permits, and provide services in accordance with customary and reasonable industry standards. Describe your training standards to ensure that staff meet these requirements. 3.1.5 Use Post Orders possibly including use of a system to ensure that all key areas of the property are monitored regularly during foot patrols of the property. The key points and patrol areas will be identified by the onsite coordinator and may be changed over time as necessary. Daily closing procedures for checking restrooms, lobbies, doors being locked, etc. will be developed to ensure the facility is secure at the end of business hours. Escort service will be provided to staff in the parking lot as requested. Describe and give samples of how you create post orders or patrol plans.