A. The City of Dover Department of Water and Wastewater has been experiencing operational issues with the existing pump station and believe that a grit removal system IFP-2 will increase the efficiency of the infrastructure. The evaluation of existing conditions shall include, but is not limited to the following: 1. Three (3) site visits: • To discuss existing conditions with City Staff • Dry weather wastewater flow evaluation • Wet weather wastewater flow evaluation 2. Evaluation of wastewater flow at pump station • Flow demands • Quantity and characteristics of grit, including particle size distribution • Organic content of wastewater flow 3. Evaluation of existing environmental conditions (floodplains, wetlands, etc.) and impacts (noise and odor control) at pump station 4. Limited survey of White Oak wastewater pump station building and parcel 5. Communication with prospective grit removal vendors B. Following the evaluation of the pump station and grit removal system, the selected proposer shall meet with selected City staff to review their findings, including recommendations. Recommendations shall include but are not limited to the following for the specific grit removal system or repair: 1. Type of grit removal system or type of repair, including advantages and disadvantages 2. Potential adverse effects on downstream collection system and/or environment and noise and odor control 3. Head loss requirements 4. Grit removal efficiency 5. Itemized cost of construction 6. Footprint of grit removal system 7. Operations and Maintenance requirements (including associated costs)...