The Consultant will develop and deliver the online materials or resources designed to achieve the following Agency goals during the course of the contract: • Perform deep analysis of website analytics and generate report(s) to guide future enhancements and development. • Assessment of current CMS and demonstrations of recommended new platforms. • Design a user-friendly, responsive, scalable website that provides customers, community members, and stakeholders easily accessible information. • Make the website more functional, engaging and appealing — providing a user-friendly experience that enhances readability and searchability, while encouraging repeat visits. • Develop a secure and robust site that meets cybersecurity standards. • Work directly with San Bernardino Valley staff to make advanced design updates, embed audio and video files, and links to online resources. • Customize website with various enhancements including HTML animations, and photo/video faders. • Manage the migration of information from the legacy website to the new website. • Set up hosted site servers (if required for new CMS). The scope of work to be completed is divided into three main areas. The general tasks to be completed include the following: A. Website Redesign and Structure B. Content Development and Migration C. Web Hosting & Support D. Optional – Subsite/Minisite Design