- Koshland GL11 Suite (Westside) - Fly Media and Prep Rooms: The renovation is dedicated to westside of the lab, which is approximately 707 sq. ft. The space will require the build out of two separate rooms for fly media and prep. Each room to be approximately 230-280 sq. ft. They will require demo of the existing lab furniture and utilities, build out of new walls, door frames, and door, and modification of the existing utilities (Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, and Fire Life Safety.) The new rooms will specifically require UV lighting, sinks, lab benches, and potentially additional drainage for equipment. - Koshland LL41/45 – Aquatics Laboratory: At approximately 1,408 sq. ft, this existing laboratory suite is to be renovated into an aquatics laboratory. The renovation will require demo of the existing suite and build out to create 4 new rooms (Live culture, Research, Incubator, and Utility rooms). For each room, the existing mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems will require modification. At minimum, the live culture and incubator rooms will require precisely controlled temperature and humidity. Each space will also require fire life safety modifications.