1. Between SE Foster Road to SE Rhone Street: a. Reducing the number of motor vehicle travel lanes from five to three and working with community and stakeholders to determine how to use the additional space to comprehensively improve safety. This may include removal of pavement and parking lanes, raised medians, separated/protected bike lanes, modification of curbs, restriping, and/or addition of trees. b. Repaving 122nd Avenue between SE Foster Road and SE Schiller Street and upgrading curb ramps to American with Disabilities Act (“ADA”) standards. c. Adding approximately seven new, unsignalized, crossings. d. Converting the signalized intersection at SE 122nd Avenue and SE Harold Street into a roundabout. e. Making civil, signal, striping and other modifications to the intersection of SE 122nd Avenue and SE Holgate Street to improve safety and account for travel lane modifications. f. Making civil, signal, striping and other modifications to the signalized intersection of at SE 122nd Avenue and SE Foster Road to improve safety, which could include a roundabout. g. Modifying the traffic signals at the Springwater Trail, SE Boise Street, and SE Bush Street to account for the travel lane modifications. h. Street lighting analysis to account for proposed roadway changes and designing upgrades as necessary. i. Improving select bus stops. 2. From SE Powell Boulevard to NE Sandy Boulevard: a. Making civil and signal modifications to five arterial intersections of 122nd Avenue to improve safety and improve pedestrian and bicyclist separation. Modifications may include but are not limited to access management, elevated bike lanes, center medians, and signal upgrades. The anticipated locations include SE Powell Boulevard, SE Division Street, E Burnside Street, NE Glisan Street and NE Shaver Street or comparable intersections. b. Upgrading traffic signals or RRFBs at signalized intersections to improve safety and meet ADA requirements. Modifications may include installing or modifying existing pushbuttons to meet ADA, replacing signal heads and/or signal controllers, adding pedestrian poles, adding PTZ cameras, adding detection, and/or adding new right-turn and bicycle signal heads. c. Removing the existing parking lanes and converting this space to protected bicycle facilities. d. Analysis of access management and installation of medians where determined feasible. e. Making improvements to bus stops at high priority locations. f. Street lighting analysis and upgrades between NE San Rafael Street and NE Sandy Boulevard to bring the street to current City of Portland Bureau of Transportation (“PBOT”) lighting guidelines. 3. For the entire project area: a. Signing and striping modifications, as needed. b. Analysis and location recommendations for speed reader boards. c. Tree trimming, removal and/or planting, as needed. d. Compliance with federal, state, and local requirements for permitting and stormwater treatment. e. Relocation of conflicting above and below ground utilities affected by the project, including water transmission, communications, natural gas and sanitary sewer force main. f. Add ITS fiber communication connections at new and existing signals, CCTV traffic monitoring cameras at select locations, signal modifications by adding smart traffic detection sensors, APS push buttons, countdown ped heads, and new signal heads with reflectorized backplates. g. Street lighting analysis and upgrades at any new pedestrian crossing or intersection where the type of traffic control is being changed (i.e. signalized intersection to a roundabout)