2.3.1 In performing PREA audits for each facility, the Contractor shall: A. Perform all activities and conform with all requirements as published by the DOJ and/or any entity authorized by the DOJ or federal law or regulations that establishes such requirements; B. Complete all services associated with the five (5) audit phases — 1. Pre-Onsite Audit, 2. Onsite Audit, 3. Evidence Review and Interim Report, 4. Corrective Action Plan and Final Report, and 5. Post Audit; C. Provide preliminary written notice to the Contract Monitor regarding any potential deficiency(ies) within ten (10) business days of the onsite meeting, when the Contractor determines that a facility will likely be determined not to meet standards in any rating area; D. Provide written recommendations to the Contract Monitor for the development of a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) to remedy any deficiency(ies), within ten (10) days after the onsite visit and up to forty- five (45) days after issuance of the interim report; and E. Perform a re-audit of any failed standard at any facility if the CAP has been completed within the allotted 180-day audit timeframe. 2.3.2 The Contractor shall be paid as described in sections 3.3.2 and 3.3.1 for any work performed under the CAP. 2.3.3 Each DJS facility shall be audited at least one (1) time during the course of the four (4) year contract period. 2.3.4 The Contactor should notify the Contract Monitor of the completion of each phase within five (5) business days and the Contract Monitor will confirm the completion in writing within five (5) business days.