4.1- Task 1- Conduct a Needs Assessment 4.1.1 Conduct a needs assessment that collects the opinions and ideas of the community The assessment will include a complete inventory of the current state of the Leisure Services Department, including its financial condition, operations, park and recreation systems, facilities, programs, and services. The assessment shall include a review of current and projected demographics, current planning standards, and regional and national trends. The assessment should provide the data and information necessary to evaluate how the Leisure Services Department facilities meet current and future needs and whether modifications and/or additions will be required or should be considered. 4.2-Task 2 - Develop and Implement Public Engagement Strategy 4.2.2 The planning process must result in a shared, clearly defined vision for the Leisure Services Department driven by input from the community. Public involvement is extremely important to the City of Dubuque and informs decision making processes. The successful Consultant will propose a robust and innovative public outreach strategy that describes how the community and staff will be provided opportunities to participate in the development of the Plan. In the submittals, Consultants should at a minimum provide the following: 4.2.2A Identify and describe a comprehensive strategy and methodology for citizen, participant and stakeholder involvement (e.g. proposed outreach process, methods of outreach, outreach tools, anticipated schedule). 4.2.2B Ensure the residents, user groups and other stakeholders are provided an opportunity to participate in the development of the Plan. 4.2.2C Act as professional facilitators to gather specific information about services, use, preferences and any department strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. 4.2.2D Provide well-organized and directed activities, techniques, and formats that will ensure that a positive, open, and proactive public participation process is achieved. 4.2.2E Provide written records and summaries of the results of all public process and communication strategies. 4.2.2F Develop and manage any online public involvement tools and data. 4.2.2G Throughout the entire process, help to build consensus and agreement of the plan and if consensus is not possible, provide information for informed decision making for City staff. 4.2.2H Design and implement an equity-driven planning process to ensure a dissemination and gathering of information from a broad/representative community spectrum.