1- East Noble Alternative Learning Center, located at 205 Brian’s Place Kendallville, IN 46755 – Provide 2 GB Full Duplex of point-to-point service. Installation must meet all current building codes. Labeling must be per East Noble School Corporation direction. 2- All internet services are to include at no charge DDOS (distributed denial of service) mitigation. Explanation of DDOS mitigation is to be included with your RFP response. DDOS mitigation provided by an upstream provider is allowed provided East Noble School Corporation will not be charged any additional fees or costs of any kind and that a summary of the mitigation service provided by the upstream provider is included with the bid response. 3- The provider is to provide an RJ-45 ethernet handoff. 4- The provider can choose to and terminate at either East Noble School Corporation’s Transportation and Technology Center, 550 West Ohio Street, Kendallville, IN 46755 or East Noble High School, 901 Garden Street, Kendallville, IN 46755. You must specify which termination point has been chosen. 5- Fiber service is preferred.