The order of selection of leave or crop trees will be as follows: A. Leave dominant and necessary co-dominant trees. B. Maintain specified average number of trees per acre. C. Maintain specified average spacing. E. Select crop tree by species in the following order unless otherwise specified in the Unit Description: 1. Douglas-fir 2. Western redcedar 3. Western hemlock 4. Sitka spruce 5. True fir 6. Red Alder; Except for crop or leave trees specified above and in the Unit Description Table, the Contractor shall cut the following: A. When thinning is done on a spacing basis, cut all surplus conifer trees more than four (4) feet in height. When thinning is done on a diameter limit basis, cut all surplus conifer trees more than one (1) inch in diameter two (2) feet above ground. B. All red alder, bigleaf maple, cherry, and/or other hardwood species identified in the Unit Description (Section II-A), that are both greater than four (4) feet in height and growing within twenty (20) feet of a conifer crop tree shall be cut. Other low growing hardwood species (including vine maple, elderberry, cascara, willow, green alder, rocky mountain maple, quaking aspen, paper birch, cottonwood, willow, or other species identified in the Unit Description) need to be cut only when their height is greater than two-thirds (2/3rds) the height of the nearest adjacent conifer crop tree. Hardwoods shall not be cut where their removal will create gaps in the stand with dimensions greater than twenty-five (25) feet in width or where their removal will expose live streams to direct sunlight. Additionally, no hardwood in eastern Washington with a DBH greater than seven (7) inches DBH will be cut without approval from DNR...