The City of Saratoga desires to develop a comprehensive inventory of City-Owned Trees. The focus of the Inventory is to identify the individual trees, assess their current condition and to subsequently develop a 7-Year Urban Forest Maintenance Plan. This will assist the City in determining the appropriate level of future capital outlay needed to properly maintain its trees. The project area includes the street rights-of-way, street tree easements, medians, parks, public facilities grounds, and other public property within the City of Saratoga. The Citywide Tree Inventory and Maintenance Plan Development will include the following tasks: 1. Conducting a tree inventory of approximately 5750 City-owned trees. 2. Implementation of web-based tree inventory data management software system, including comprehensive staff training on the software’s usage. 3. Development of an urban forest maintenance plan, integrated into the tree inventory software system, based on a seven (7) year cycle, including trimming and reassessment of all City-maintained trees within the specified period.