The Town of Sherman and its School Building Committee are seeking Qualifications and Cost Proposals for Construction Management at Risk Services for the renovation-to-new of Sherman School, including its central administrative space located at 2 CT-37, Sherman, CT 06784. As described more fully in Section IV, the Project consists of the demolition of a portion of the existing school, the complete renovation of approximately fifty-three thousand and ninety-six (53,096) square feet of existing built space and the addition of approximately eleven thousand and seven hundred eighty (11,780) square feet of new construction. To maintain continuous occupancy during the school year, the Project will be constructed in phases preferably in alignment with the preliminary schedule further described below. Sherman School was built in 1937 as a grade school and was a brick building with three (3) classrooms. This became known as the historical K-Wing and throughout the years, many additions and some renovation took place (i.e. in 1953, 1961, 1971, 1992, and 2000) which allowed Sherman School to become what it is today. Currently, the school serves approximately two hundred thirty (230) students distributed throughout PreKindergarten through Eighth Grades along with central administrative functions for the Board of Education. This is the only school facility within the Town and the structure is two levels in most locations totaling 83,329 gross square feet (GSF). The facility and the site are located within a nationally registered historic district and sit at a prominent intersection in the historical community center. The Sherman Board of Education commissioned a Facility Conditions Assessment and Master Plan in 2018 to determine the required improvements needs for the school, this Study was recently updated at the Town’s direction to reflect current conditions. The Study determined original components and infrastructure to be in poor to fair condition with estimated remaining useful life of six (6) to ten (10) years. At this time, most of the school’s infrastructure and systems have or will soon reach the end of their useful life. The Owner seeks in collaboration with its selected architect, Antinozzi Associates (the “Architect”) and its selected Owner’s Project Manager, Construction Solutions Group (the “OPM”) to effectuate a design and project plan that appropriately meets the needs of current and future students in a secure, safe, healthy, and efficient educational campus. The design and project plan must appropriately reflect the unique circumstances of Sherman as a small, historic, and rural community; projected enrollment and the fluctuating size of grade level cohorts; as well as all mandated requirements related to the construction and/or operations of educational facilities in the State.