Contractor shall include a detailed inspection report for all three slides, flumes inside and out, tower structures, all supports, concrete bases inspection, handrails, all railings and all steps. The three slides in this bid include: 1 drop slide (Bed length approx. 19’); 1 fast slide (Bed length approx. 78’); and 1 slide with turns(Bed length approx. 231’). The steps shall be replaced with a newer style Rec-Step-high density polyethylene. Contractor shall repair/refurbish all flumes inside and out, new coatings/gelcoat, transitions on the joints will need to be repaired and smoothed. At least one support column flumes on the blue slide with turns is showing deflection. Contractor shall repair or replace as needed to make safe. Contractor shall replace any missing bolts as necessary and check all other bolts and fasteners and attachment points for wear or damage. Contractor shall repair/replace any railings that are rusted as needed. Contractor shall include the warranty and life expectancy for the full project on the inspection report. Colors will be finalized before the project starts.