A. Provide District-Wide Security and Fire Alarm Response during the following times: i. Weekdays 4PM through 6AM ii. Weekends Friday 4PM through Monday 6AM B. Provide 24-hour alarm response on the following days: i. January 1 (New Years Day), January 15 (MLK Day), February 19 (President’s Day), May 27 (Memorial Day), June 19 (Juneteenth), July 4 (Independence Day), September 2 (Labor Day), November 11 (Veterans’ Day), November 28 & 29 (Thanksgiving), and December 24 & 25 (Christmas) C. Alarm Response to be provided immediately after call is received, response to any District-Wide site must be within 30 minutes. Response includes disarming the security system, surveying the site, identifying any signs of trespassing or vandalism, reporting to 4J staff, waiting for any required response from 4J staff, securing the site, and reset alarm system before departing. D. Provide daily reports of Alarm Response to include all events in the previous 24 hours. Email daily reports to 4J staff. Reports to include the time of response, location of response, name of guard responding, and detail account of response. E. Provide security patrol services as required for school functions and/or organizations upon request. F. Provide dedicated fire watch according to Fire Marshall Mandate upon request. G. Provide occasional patrol shifts as deemed necessary by the District, at the District’s sole discretion.