All spoken testimony, arguments, comments, instructions, objections, and other verbal statements shall be reported, and no part of the required transcript shall be omitted from the record, unless otherwise directed by the presiding officer. Nothing spoken at a proceeding shall be “off the record” unless so designated by the presiding officer. The Commission reserves the right to use local reporting services for proceedings in the extreme areas of the State and reserves the right to call on other reporting services in the event the Contractor is unable to provide the required services under the contract. The Commission requires that the selected Offeror coordinate scheduling of court reporting services under this contract by accessing the Administrative Agendas and Hearing Schedules under “Documents” on the Commission’s website. As a courtesy, the Commission will email the Contractor when an emergency hearing has been scheduled. A valid email address is required on the bid form. Note: Some of the requested transcription only services will be transcribing portions of administrative meetings which are live streamed. The Contractor will be given a copy of the recorded meeting with the time stamp for the portion to be transcribed.