The Beaufort-Jasper Water and Sewer Authority (BJWSA) is hereby issuing this Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to professional engineering consulting firms that have the capability and interest in undertaking and performing the scope of work described in this RFQ. BJWSA is currently experiencing high growth of sewer flows to the Cherry Point Water Reclamation Facility (CPWRF) due to high levels of new construction within the area served by the plant. BJWSA has recently received a renewed NPDES discharge permit for CPWRF which includes terms to divert raw, untreated wastewater away from the plant to the Hardeeville Water Reclamation Facility (HWRF) to reduce flows received at the CPWRF. The purpose of the project is to redirect incoming wastewater flow from Cherry Point WRF to Hardeeville WRF to alleviate current capacity restrictions on Cherry Point WRF, equalizing system flows between the two facilities.