Design services will include, but are not limited to: • Provide steel slip lining rehabilitation recommendations and complete steel slip lining rehabilitation design for Scenario 9. • Provide construction documents and specifications for the rehabilitation design. • Provide a construction schedule and engineer’s estimate of cost to construct and complete the main rehabilitation. • Develop preliminary Maintenance of Plant Operations plans for pipeline shutdown and recharge. • Coordinate with the Street Transportation and other City Departments as required on right-of-way and/or City owned property. • Identify all utility locations both vertically and horizontally in conflict with proposed access pits. • Coordinate with the City’s potholing contractor as necessary to establish utility locations. • Coordinate with other design consultants on adjacent projects, as needed. • Conduct geotechnical evaluations to develop construction requirements. • Investigate and identify traffic control impacts and costs using the City’s Right-of-Way Management Program. • Obtain all applicable permits. • All City standards shall be used to develop construction documents including but not limited to drafting standards and MAG standard specifications