State Project S205-002-0.09 00, Market St Bridge Replacement, which carries West Virginia (WV) Spur Route 2 across the Ohio River, Ohio Route 7, and Norfolk Southern Railroad. The spans are arranged as follows: spans 1and 2 are girder spans; spans 3 through 6 are truss spans; and spans 7 through 9 are suspension spans. The overall length is 1794.2 feet, and the roadway width is 20.7 feet. This structure was built in 1904 and rehabilitated in 2011. Due to critical deficiencies in the superstructure and serious deficiencies in the substructure, this bridge is currently closed to all vehicular and pedestrian traffic. The professional engineering services shall include, at a minimum, a Design Study, preliminary surveying, a geotechnical overview, traffic engineering services with special consideration to Design Directive 681 - Work Zone Safety and Mobility, NEPA documentation, Natural and Cultural Resource services, and Coast Guard coordination. The Consultant shall reference DD506 and use pollution prevention and discharge reduction methods in the design. As part of the WVDOH's desire to facilitate safety discussions for transportation projects, the Consultant shall complete and submit to the Traffic Engineering Division, the Safety Assessment for Every Roadway (SAFER) Form for the project as part of the Preliminary Field Review and Final Office Review. The selected Consultant may also be asked to perform the contract plans and related documents portion of the project. Post Design Services, if required, shall be by a separate Agreement.