Comprehensive Market Analysis The response should include a detailed approach to provide a thorough market study that is supported by data collection and analysis and is presented in a written report that distills the analysis to its most crucial information. The market study is expected to consider aspects such as: • Including a regional analysis and outlook, benchmark communities, and defining sub-markets within Garland • Presenting current growth patterns and trends, and potential causes for and effects of these trends • Affordability gaps and relevant demographic data analysis, including population and household shifts over time, how these affect the housing market, and a thorough understanding of housing demand • Documenting and explaining the cause and effect of distributions of growth across the region and within benchmark cities • Evaluating financial sustainability based on revenue generation potential, including investment appreciation potential for existing and prospective homeowners, revenue per capita and revenue per acre comparisons against housing market of benchmark cities, and consideration of required housing supply and/or household income necessary to increase sales tax revenue