Maine School Administrative District (MSAD) No. 75 is looking to partner with a qualified consultant, school planner and/or architect/engineer team who can execute the planning, development and related work associated with a Long Range Facilities Master Plan. The following disciplines shall be considered as part of the planning process: 1. Architectural 2. Civil Engineering 3. Structural Engineering 4. Mechanical Engineering (plumbing, HVAC, Fire Protection) 5. Electrical Engineering The purpose of the Long Range Facilities Master Plan is to provide a valuable fact-based planning tool for future facility related decision making that will be consistent with and supportive of the District’s academic mission. The planning is intended to be an extensive process that will include school administration, teachers and staff, students, school board and community members. The master plan is intended to be an essential tool to help guide the school district regarding space allocations, renovation and/or new construction, land use and land development, accessibility, safety and security, expansion and/or consolidation and infrastructure needs. The plan should be supported with short and long range cost projections to help with budget forecasting. The consultant should also advise the district to state funds/incentives, federal funding, grants and or energy incentives. 1. Meet with Facilities Master Planning Committee 1.1. This task involves meeting with appropriate team members on the FMPC to obtain critical information on the existing facilities and outline goals and priorities. The FMPC will meet periodically throughout the duration of the project. 1.2. A minimum of 5 planning meetings with the FMPC will occur 1.3. Meetings will be facilitated by the consultant and will be in a workshop format 2. Complete a Comprehensive Facilities Condition Assessment with a Detailed Finding for Each Site 2.1. This task involves consultants completing a comprehensive evaluation of all school district’s existing sites and their condition to understand the basis for modernization, new construction, replacement, growth and/or reductions at each site 2.2. Included in the facilities assessment must be a comprehensive study of architectural elements to also include structural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, civil and site infrastructure, ADA accessibility, and life safety 2.3. The facilities assessment should identify existing facilities deficiencies and major maintenance needs 2.4. Provide recommendations for addressing deferred maintenance to include cost projections for budgeting purposes 2.5. Study and analyze building systems to determine needs for improvements, systems include: Information technology infrastructure, safety and security, Phones systems, PA systems, time and clock systems, fire alarm systems and access control systems 2.6. Develop Future Facilities Needs and Alternatives 2.6.1. This task involves Consultants assisting with prioritizing short and long term needs for each site, preparing individual site facilities master plan, providing recommendations for energy savings and incorporating deferred maintenance needs for each site 3. Capacity and Utilization Study of District Facilities Based on Actual Programs and Administrative Uses 3.1. Complete a school site and building capacity study 3.2. Complete a facilities equity study 3.2.1. Analyze and compare teaching and support spaces between school sites. These findings should be compared to the Maine State educational standards to help determine the need for changes, additions or alterations in facilities and spaces necessary to accommodate the instructional programs