1. Survey and Mapping – to include topography and existing conditions of roadway, surface features, utilities, delineation of wetlands, existing culverts, and any other features necessary to prepare permitting and contract documents for replacement of both culverts. 2. Capacity Analysis – Evaluate capacity of existing culverts and roadways to handle the current and future 100-year storm events. Review the size of the culverts and the elevations of the roadways against this analysis. 3. Community Engagement – As necessary, meet with stakeholders including affected residents and the local community to gain their input and keep them apprised of the firm’s recommendations and the project scope and status. 4. Preliminary Evaluation – Upon assessment of existing conditions, capacity analysis, and community input, prepare a recommendation for replacement of both culverts and modifications to roadway elevations based on current and future flood forecasts. 5. Preliminary Engineering / Design – Existing conditions assessments, meetings with Town (including kick-off and progress meetings), Basis of Design Report, preliminary (i.e. 30% Design) Contract Documents. Present report at a public meeting and/or a Town Council Meeting. Provide construction cost estimate at this phase.