Direction and coordination of all programs of financing, specifically including preparation and coordination of filing an application with the TWDB for loan or grant assistance Advise the City of current bond market conditions Recommend method of sale of debt instruments Advise publications of forthcoming sales Arrange for reports of independent consultants Recommend as to the advisability of obtaining credit ratings and coordinate preparation and submission of information to rating agencies Coordinate, prepare and submit required information to recognized bond insurance companies for insurance qualification, including for a TWDB loan Coordinate efforts for delivery of debt instruments and preparation and verification of closing figures Maintain liaison with Bond Counsel in preparation of all legal documents Counsel in selection of paying agent/registrar Print all debt instruments Deliver schedule of annual debt requirements on debt instruments Attend meetings as requested Advise of changes in Federal and State laws and regulations Advise on investment of funds as requested Advise and assist in exercising any call and/or refunding Advise and assist in the development of long-range financing plan Provide all financing planning services as requested Testify in litigation as requested Make recommendation on matters of credit enhancement