Grounds Management & Other: Landscape In the landscaped areas, trees, be maintained. Significant tree trimming to be conducted at the minimum twice annually. Lower tree limbs to be maintained at a height of 8 feet over the ground. Flower beds and hedges will be properly maintained throughout the year, including weeding and edging. Frequency should be every other week during growing seasons and monthly during non-growing seasons. New mulching (provided by Contractor) will be added twice annually- excludes playgrounds. Pruning of shrubs and hedges if needed, to maintain a neat trimmed appearance. Contractor must be able to cut down trees and rebuild flower beds, if needed. Grass and weeds shall be removed and disposed of immediately after weed eating is performed. Weed Management All campuses will be treated for weed control on an as needed basis. Vendor is expected to provide listing of herbicides used for weed management. Mowing of High School Campuses- Non Athletic Areas: Provide separate price to mow 6 comprehensive high school campuses weekly, excluding athletic fields (baseball, softball, football/soccer practice fields). Grounds would need to be mowed, weed eated, and blowed weekly, preferably on Thursdays. At a minimum, KISD would need Killeen High School and Chaparral High School mowed on Thursdays and other HS campuses could potentially be mowed on other dates. Please provide KISD with mowing schedule and frequency. Grass shall be cut to a height of 2 to 4 inches. Grass clippings shall be removed and cleaned up. Edging of sidewalks, curbs, walkways and other concrete or asphalt edges must be performed with every cut. Edging shall include the removal of vegetation from cracks in sidewalks, curbs and walkways. Grass and weeds shall be remove and disposed by Contractor. Grass/weeds shall be trimmed around trees, shrubs, buildings, fences, poles, posts, fire hydrants, parking lot bumper blocks, and other fixed obstacles. Trimming shall be accomplished and concurrent with mowing to match surrounding area. Weed identification and control - To be performed once per year or on an as needed basis. Sidewalks and walkways shall be swept or air blowed once mowing/edging is completed. Debris shall be removed and disposed.