Design and develop an implicit bias training curriculum tailored to city-funded maternal healthcare providers. Specify structure of trainings, including length and frequency, including in- person offerings and the options for providers to complete the training on their time. For the women’s health providers at Ambulatory Health Services, the training will be provided during one hour, in-person staff meetings at each of the 8 City Health Centers. For other trainees, the length and location (in-person or virtual) can be determined by trainers, with input from MCFH staff. Determine if different trainers and/or structures are appropriate for different trainee groups (OBs, community health educators, etc.) Incorporate appropriate data (ex. maternal health in Philadelphia, national data about implicit biases in healthcare) to support training. Include sections about: Defining and recognizing implicit bias. Understanding impact of implicit bias on overall health and maternal health outcomes. Practical skills to mitigate implicit biases in clinical settings. Utilize evidence-based strategies and interactive, engaging learning methods to effectively engage participants. Can include role-playing, group discussions, and/or other practices. Should accommodate different learning styles. Create training materials and/or compile resources for participants, including handouts, guides, or online resources as applicable that may be referred to after the training is completed...