: The Idaho Military Division has requested an exemption from competition for the purchase of Konexus-Alertsense Services. If approved, an exemption from competition may allow the agency to procure the property with limited or no competitive process. Exemption from competition is at the discretion of the DOP Administrator. In the interest of transparency, DOP is offering suppliers the opportunity to review this requested exemption and provide relevant information. The decision remains discretionary, and suppliers have no right to appeal the Administrator’s decision. Suppliers are invited to provide information that may help the DOP Administrator make a decision regarding this requested exemption from competition. Please review the Agency’s request, attached in the Buyer Attachment section of IPRO. You are invited to provide information that may help support or contradict the claim that competition would be impractical, unreasonable, or disadvantageous to the State under the circumstances. Submit your information by attaching it in the Supplier Attachments section of IPRO and submitting your response or emailing purchasing@adm.idaho.gov. To be considered by the Administrator, all information must be submitted prior to the closing date and time listed in IPRO.