1. Prepare an n u al m a r k e t i n g st r at e g y r ep o rt s id en t if y in g an t icip at ed m a r k e t c o n d i t i o n s an d proposing a marketing strategy for the School System’s major loss exposure areas prior to policy renewal. 2. Assist in developing underwriting data and specifications for renewal negotiations. 3. Assist in providing value trends for property insurance. 4. Select insurance markets and evaluate coverage quotations. 5. Market insurance policies, including preparation of quality marketing submissions and development of coverage specifications. 6. Obtain bids from the insurance industry and negotiate the best terms and coverage for the various exposure areas. 7. Fully document marketing of insurance coverages, including declinations received from insurance carriers. 8. Exhibit the knowledge of and willingness to work with alternative risk coverage providers. 9. Evaluate the commitment and financial stability of the insurance companies or alternative coverage providers and make recommendations to the School System’s Senior Staff. 10. Service existing insurance policies by tendering losses, reviewing coverage issues, assisting in collection of losses, reporting values, issuing Certificates of Insurance as needed, processing policy changes, etc. in a timely manner.