2.01 SPECIFICATIONS (a) Respondent must carefully examine the solicitation. Respondent is responsible for securing any additional information from the TxDOT purchaser needed to gain a clear and full understanding of TxDOT’s requirements. (b) TxDOT will not be bound by any oral statement or representation contrary to the written specifications of the solicitation. Any revision, clarification, or interpretation pertaining to the solicitation will be in writing and issued by TxDOT as an addendum. Any change or interpretation not in an addendum will not legally bind TxDOT. Any addendum must be issued through TxDOT’s Procurement Division. (c) The goods furnished or services performed shall be in accordance with the specifications set forth in the solicitation and with these Terms and Conditions. TxDOT will provide clarification of the specifications and determine the quality and acceptability of goods furnished or work performed. If the solicitation is for a service, TxDOT will determine the manner of performance, the rate of progress of the work, and whether vendor’s performance of the service is acceptable. (d) Any catalog, brand name, or manufacturer’s reference used in the solicitation is descriptive only (not restrictive) and is used to indicate type and quality desired. Responses on brands of like nature and quality will be considered unless advertised as proprietary or sole source under Government Code §2155.067. Respondent must show manufacturer, brand or trade name, and other description of the product offered in response to the solicitation. If offer is for other than example(s) shown in the solicitation, include illustration(s) and complete description(s) of product(s) in the response to the solicitation. If respondent takes no exception to specifications or reference data in the response, vendor will be required to furnish brand names, numbers, etc., as specified.