This is a partial design/build project. Design activities are limited to: embankment settlement remediation and ADA curb ramps. For the bridge replacement, approach/realigned roadway, drainage, guide rail, signing and pavement markings, and other miscellaneous construction, all within a length of 3,595.00 linear feet (0.681 miles) as indicated on the approved drawings included in the bid package for STATE ROUTE 0018, SECTION B61 (Frankfort Road Bridge Replacement), in BEAVER COUNTY, POTTER TOWNSHIP, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. This project being situated as follows: From a point approximately 500 feet northeast of S.R. 3008 (Montgomery Dam Road) at Segment 0350 Offset 0541 (Station 100+00) to a point approximately 2,800 feet northeast of S.R. 3019 (Racoon Creek Road) at Segment 0360 Offset 2729 (Station 136+95).