We are interested in exploring BWC and ICC solutions that may include, but are not limited to: • High-definition video and audio recording (for both BWC and ICC) • Live streaming capabilities (for both BWC and ICC) • Automatic activation via signal technology (such as use of emergency lights) • Cloud-based storage and real-time video upload, to include 3rd party video storage • Extended battery life for BWC to cover long shifts • ICC with multi-angle views and enhanced night vision • GPS location tracking • Seamless integration between BWC and ICC systems to include interview rooms. • Centralized management software for easy retrieval, review, and audit • Ability to ingest existing video data. • Ability to integrate with existing RMS (Records Management Systems) and CAD (Computer-Aided Dispatch) platforms to automatically categorize and tag video footage based on incident type • ALPR capabilities on In-Car Cameras with the ability to integrate with existing infrastructure • The solution must provide the ability to access video footage retrospectively, even if the body-worn camera or in-car camera was not manually activated during an incident. • A solution that is platform-agnostic, capable of integrating with various other software systems to facilitate video sharing with external entities such as the district attorney's office, municipal courts, and other relevant platforms.