General road maintenance and gravel lift requirements. - Gravel lift will be made using 1-1/2" gravel located at the South Woodward Gravel Pit, and will be 25 feet wide from the highway to Swan River Bridge, 20 feet wide from Swan River Bridge to Cedar Creek Bridge, and 16 feet wide from Cedar Creek Bridge to Shay Lake Road - If conditions are too dry for compaction, use of a water truck may be required. - Entire length of road requires initial blading to prepare road surface for gravel lift. - Graveled Surface must be crowned following final blade and shaping. DOT Camp Loop Road General road maintenance and gravel lift requirements. - Gravel lift will be made using 1-1/2" gravel located at the South Woodward Gravel Pit, and will maintain 16' road width along the entire length of all roads in the road log. - Gravel lift will be 6" (4" after compaction), unless otherwise noted and must be compacted using a vibratory roller. - If conditions are too dry for compaction, use of a water truck may be required. - Entire length of road requires initial blading to prepare road surface for gravel lift. - Graveled Surface must be crowned following final blade and shaping.