Task 1: Project Management All communications between the City and the Contractor shall be coordinated through their respective Project Managers. In the area of Project Management, the Contractor shall: Schedule and facilitate Project Development Team (PDT) meetings, including a kick-off meeting and meetings at key milestones interagency meetings, field reviews, advisory and/or stakeholder group meetings, and other project related meetings. Contractor shall prepare agendas, minutes, and sign in sheets for all meetings. The City Project Manager must be kept abreast of all coordination with outside agencies, prior to any meeting with an outside agency or organization. The Contractor will prepare and maintain a detailed work plan in accordance with any major milestones and deadlines to launch, expand, and/or make changes to the service. The Contractor will maintain and update the work plan as approved by the City Project Manager. Coordinate project resources and work so that milestones are met in an efficient manner. Tasks will be laid out so as to minimize implementation time and cost while taking into consideration resource and time constraints such as City staff availability. Oversee Subcontractors (if any) activity. The Contractor's Project Manager will ensure that individuals performing tasks have appropriate skill levels and credentials.