Safety and Security of the Children: • Contractor will provide an identification bracelet for the child and the adult that lists the child's name, the name of the adult who dropped off the child, date and time of registration. The child will be released only to the adult who dropped the child off, unless a certified court order is provided showing a change of custody. • At the time that the child is dropped off, Contractor shall allow access to the interior of the CWR for up to 10 minutes to the adult who brought the child to the CWR to facilitate drop off? • Contractor shall not allow any adult other than the adult who brought the child to the CWR to communicate with the child. • If an incident occurs where the child's safety is at risk, the staff of the CWR would be expected to report the incident to law enforcement. Waiting Room Requirements: • Contractor must meet all of the requirements to operate a State drop-in child-care, including but not limited to the guidelines below. o Each child is limited to a maximum of four (4) hours per day at the center and a maximum of twelve (12) hours in any one week. Contractor must track usage to ensure children do not go over the maximum hours. o Parent will be instructed that they must have business with the Court in the same building and shall remain in the building while the child is in the CWR. o Contractor will ensure that paperwork covering the parental consent is completed in advance of the child attending (See below). o The CWRs must be open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except on court holidays. o Staff to child ratios must be maintained. A minimum of two (2) staff members must be present daily at each CWR to maintain coverage and to accept walk-ins or appointments. o All staffing requirements must be met including fingerprinting, reference checking, educational units, years of experience, medical exam, TB test and all paperwork completed. o Snacks are to be served to children in the program present longer than two (2) hours (either by program or provided by the parents). • Contractor will provide enriching age appropriate activities, such as arts and crafts, puzzles and games, computer programs, books and music. Television programs or movies are acceptable, but activities are preferred for the children. • The CWR will serve children ages 2 years through 12 years. • Compliance with the Santa Clara County Fire Marshall requirement including limiting the maximum capacity to eight (8) persons at Family Justice Center? and a maximum sixteen (16) for South County at any one time. These numbers include both children and child care staff. • Compliance with Title Ill of the ADA in serving the children in the CWR is required.