MassGIS launched MassMapper, a general-purpose web mapping application in early 2022. MassMapper serves a MassGIS custom basemap and many of the MassGIS catalog datalayers in an easy-to-use browser-based tool. Recently MassGIS conducted a survey to determine which enhancements users would be interested in having. MassGIS is looking to have the MassMapper code modified to add the following features: Simple buffering tool Additional markup options Downloading vector data in AutoCAD (DXF), GeoPackage and GeoJSON format Downloading vector data in NAD83 MA State Plane feet Zoom to parcel via URL link Google Analytics integration Fix several small bugs regarding zooming and color consistency Upgrade (if appropriate) the versions of the tools and packages of the application and build environment listed below (but not the hosting (Apache), mapping (GeoServer) or db (PostgreSQL) components) to maintain currency.