Site Preparation: Awarded vendor shall remove and dispose of existing shrubs, groundcover, hedges, and three existing trees. Agency will provide exact location of shrubs, groundcover, hedges, and trees to be removed during site visit. All beds must be appropriately prepped before planting can begin. Prep is to include, but not be limited to, removing existing landscaping, weeding, fertilizing, turning soil, replenishing garden soil, and laying landscaping fabric as needed. Planting: Awarded vendor is to provide and properly install the following trees, shrubs, and groundcover: Exact locations to be agreed upon by Agency prior to planting. Finishing: 1. Mulch all beds using brown hardwood mulch to appropriate height as to retain moisture and deter growth of weeds. 2. Install 3/16” x 4” metal edging with stakes around beds as needed, approximately 200 feet. 3. Spread #57 limestone as decorative/maintenance gravel in beds to be designated and agreed upon by Agency.