1. Vendor shall provide 300-gallon septic tanks of high-quality material and each one to be delivered in pristine working condition. 2. Septic tanks shall meet specifications from the Landfill department, TCEQ and any other local, state and/or federal environmental regulations. 3. If required, vendor shall provide proof of licenses to perform this kind of service. 4. Vendor shall deliver tanks to required location(s). 5. Vendor shall go once a week or as needed by the Landfill department to remove waste from tanks and dispose of it following required TCEQ, local, state and federal environmental regulations and procedures. 6. Vendor shall do servicing often to their septic systems so they can function properly and minimize odors from the holding tank rental. 7. Vendor shall keep detailed records of each septic tank service they perform and provide these records to the Landfill departments. 8. Vendor shall verify the area holding the tank rental is tidy and free of debris and waste 9. Vendor will be responsible for securing all necessary permits and paying any fees for the disposal of disregarded materials. 10. Vendor shall keep all insurances required by the City of Laredo current.