Membrane repairs shall be according to: 1) AWWA Manual M25 Flexible-Membrane Covers and Linings for PotableWater Reservoirs. Chapter 3; Maintenance; Cleaning, Membrane Repairs 2) AWWA California-Nevada Section, Reservoir Floating Cover Guidelines, Section 3-3.2.4 Floating Cover Wash Down. Repairs to follow guidelines 3- 4.2 and 3-4.3 Major repairs and Minor repairs. Bidder shall be responsible for obtaining and adhering to the most current AWWA standards. Additional instructions and expectations: 1. All finished drinking water covered reservoirs are to remain on-line in the District’s normal operation modes and levels. 2. Contractor may be required to provide services on weekends, holidays and after normal working hours. 3. Services required are repairs to the covers only and maintenance as required. 4. AWWA Procedure C652-19; disinfection procedures for underwater inspections of online, potable water storage facilities is required. Additionally, AWWA Manual M42 Steel Water Storage Tanks shall apply. 5. Sand tubes need to be removed in order to properly repair any leaks in the trough areas and properly placed back into the troughs. 6. Bidder must include in its bid product information regarding NSF certification and approved products and chemical used to repair the Hypalon covers above finished drinking water. 7. Bidders need to include in its bid the methods for performing the work necessary to complete Hypalon repairs.