WALL STRUCTURAL FRAMEWORK: Fabricated from 14ga steel proprietary studs placed 24-inch on center. Building perimeter shall have 6”x4”x1/8” steel tubing minimum below and above wall studs. The corner studs and door frame opening studs shall be minimum 4”x3”x1/8”. Framework connected by welding. Exterior sheets are 14ga steel. ROOF SYSTEM: Noncombustible weatherproof construction of continuously welded 12 gauge steel roof permanently attached to building. Roof Structural System fabricated from minimum 4” x 2” x 1/8” structural steel or mechanical tubing. Roof supports installed 24” inches on center. Exterior roof sheets are continuously welded to roof supports at each seam. Roof sloped to facilitate rain run off and equipped with rain shield over doors. FLOOR SYSTEM: Grating and Leak Proof Spill-Containment Sump Assembly consisting of 1” deep welded galvanized steel floor grating over 6” deep leak proof secondary containment sump. Galvanized steel floor grating fabricated from welded steel grating with 1" tall x 3/16” thick bearing bars at 1" on center and crossbars at 4" on center. Sump floor is fabricated utilizing continuously welded 10 gauge steel sheets for maximum spill containment. Acrylic alkyd enamel coating is applied to secondary containment sump. Floor System is fabricated to comply with NAAMM MBG 531, “Metal Bar Grating Manual for Steel, Stainless Steel, and Aluminum Gratings and Stair Treads.” BUILDING BASE: Open channel construction, underside coated with corothan I-Coal Tar for maximum corrosion resistance. Forklift pockets and hold-down brackets for ease of off-loading and relocation. The building base is constructed in a manner to ensure the fork lifting, loading, transporting, offloading, and relocation do not affect this chemical storage building. This is to ensure the door openings remain square after lifting the building multiple times with a crane or fork trucks. The building base assembly shall consist of the following materials: 6 x 4 x 3/16” rectangular tubing, Hold Down Brackets welded to building are ½” thick plate steel angles, Floor Channel C 4x5.4, Floor Channel C6x8.2, and 4 x 2 x 1/8” rectangular tubing STATIC GROUNDING SYSTEM: Three (3) Interior grounding lugs, one (1) exterior static grounding connection and one (1) 10-foot long 5/8” diameter copper-clad steel grounding rod, and grounding lugs. GRAVITY AIR FLOW VENTS: Steel frame and louvers with screens to provide adequate air flow and natural draft. BUILDING FINISH: After an extensive cleaning process, the interior and exterior surfaces are protected with a high solids alkyd universal metal primer (primer) and a high solid acrylic alkyd enamel top coat providing proven resistance to exterior abrasion, corrosion, UV resistance and exceptional durability. SIGNAGE: Permanent D.O.T. metal flip placard with rust proof aluminum holder and stainless steel clips on each building. One (1) pressure sensitive NFPA 704 Hazard Rating sign. APPROVALS: Third party and/or state approvals are available and are not included in this quotation unless noted. Accessories may increase exterior dimensions.