Contractor shall provide all labor, tools, equipment, materials, vehicles and transportation necessary to supply and apply a total of six hundred seventy-five (675) tons per service of non-toxic Cargill Magnesium Chloride “Dust Off” dust suppressant or the equivalent to the roadways and staging areas of Auburn State Recreation Area (ASRA), Folsom Lake State Recreation Area (FLSRA), and Marshall Gold Discovery State Historic Park (MGDSHP). Four hundred seventy-five (475) tons to ASRA, one hundred (100) tons to FLSRA, and one hundred (100) tons to MGDSHP. Delivery will occur annually in April or May for ASRA, May for FLSRA, fifty (50) tons in April and fifty (50) tons in October for MGDSHP, and as further determined necessary. Specific work dates shall be agreed upon in advance by the Contractor’s and the State’s Representatives.